How to build a custom ChatGPT?

After ChatGPT made a splash online, the next big question on everyone’s mind was, How can I make something similar for my own data? 🤔

Great news – you don’t have to wait any longer! Like new AI tools are popping up super fast these days, this one’s ready for you now. 🚀

Introducing Chatbase, a super easy-to-use website where you can whip up a custom chatbot in no time. 🤖💬 Imagine the possibilities! Connecting with customers, automating tasks, and more.

Below we will go through steps to set up custom bots on your website which answer questions trained on your own data.
So let’s jump right into it

Step 1: Get Started

First, head over to

Once there, you’ll see a welcoming and user-friendly interface.

Click the ‘Build Your Chatbot’ button to begin your chatbot creation journey. To proceed, you’ll need to log in. If you don’t have an account, worry not! Creating one is a breeze.

Step 2: Create Your Chatbot

After logging in, click on ‘New Chatbot’. This is where the magic happens. You’ll need to choose your data source, essentially your chatbot’s knowledge base.

Chatbase offers multiple options for data sources. You can:

  • Upload a PDF: For example, if you have an informative e-book or research paper, you can upload it directly.
  • Provide a Text File: If your data is in text format, no problem! Just upload the text file.
  • Use a Website Link: This is ideal if you want your chatbot to pull data from existing content on a webpage.
  • Manually Input Q&A: Perfect for when you have specific questions and answers in mind that you want your chatbot to handle.

For this demo, I’ll upload a fitness paper from Harvard as my data source.

After uploading the pdf click on ‘Create Chatbot’, and in just a matter of seconds, your chatbot is ready!

I had an absolutely interesting interaction with the chatbot using the PDF I uploaded. Take a look at the screenshot below for a glimpse into the conversation!

Step 3: Customization and Integration

Here comes the best part. Chatbase lets you:

  1. Share or Embed the Chatbot: Seamlessly embed the chatbot within your website or share it with your audience.
  2. Customize Chatbot UI: Make your chatbot visually appealing and consistent with your brand by customizing the User Interface.
  3. Integrate with Third-party Applications: Want your chatbot to do more? Easily integrate it with third-party applications to enhance functionality.

See It in Action

On the next slide, you can witness a conversation with the newly created chatbot. It’s impressive how efficiently and accurately it responds to queries based on the uploaded fitness paper.

Wrapping Up

Chatbase has made the once complex process of creating a chatbot as simple
as 1-2-3.

It’s perfect for individuals and businesses looking to enhance user engagement without delving into extensive coding or spending hefty amounts on development. So, why wait?

Build your custom chatbot today and take your user experience to the next level!

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